I had this desire to see my yard become a beautiful garden. I spent time and effort weeding and putting in good soil. I studied the PH of the soil in my area, and what I needed to do to improve the ground. I made a plan and designed my flower beds. I planted trees and watered and knew in time I would have the perfect garden. Maybe not the garden of Eden, but in my minds eye it would be the envy of all my neighbors. Maybe I'd win an award or be featured in some garden magazine! I would turn our dessert landscape into an Oasis! A woman can dream can't she!???
Unfortunately I failed to consult with my other neighbors, the ones below the ground. My 2.5 acres of land had a plethora of them. I had noticed these little holes but never knew what they were. Suddenly plants were disappearing. Young trees were dying. All of my hard work and money disappearing without a trace! They never even stood a chance. My little neighbors had an army and they had invaded. GOPHERS! They were so well nourished on my garden they decided to populate and build homes to stay. I have tried everything to get rid of these pesky little critters. At first I tried humane ways, staking the ground with noise makers that would vibrate and make them leave, when that didn't work I tried smoke, filling holes with water, collapsing tunnels, gum, mothballs, poison, traps, anytime someone suggested something new I tried it. All to no avail. I have surrendered and allowed them the victory. I now grow things in pots and planters.
In life I feel the need to evaluate every situation and see what I can learn. My first thought was I was prideful, (Proverbs 11:2 When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.) There is no sin in dreaming, or planting a garden, or even in wanting a beautiful garden, but maybe wanting your yard to look better than everyone elses isn't such a good idea.
Next I thought of how my sins are like gophers and attacks of the enemy. (Proverbs 28:13 He who covers his transgressions shall not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.)
Some times we are working so hard for the Lord, trying all we can to keep our outward appearance above reproach that we fail to look below the surface to see the hidden places the enemy can attack.
If there is unconfessed sin in my life, or areas I fail to examine in the light of God's redeeming word, I can stumble without realizing it until it's too late. I have some pet gophers in my life. Pride, anger, and a real problem, which lately I am learning to overcome, being discontent.
Philippians 4:11 has been my new battle cry... "For I have learned to be content in all circumstances."
I have been learning recently, from Robert Jeffress book "The Road most Traveled: Releasing the power of Contentment in your life," that Contentment comes from the word containment. A person who is self contained drives satisfaction from inner resources rather than external sources. He finishes that thought with, "contentment means being at peace with the unchangeable circumstances, choices and even mistakes that shape our destiny." (pp 28-29) The apostle Paul embraced his destiny, in plenty or in want. Being content isn't just learning to live with the gophers in your life, it is the same lesson God was teaching me at Christmas, it is being at peace with the gophers, (unchangeable circumstances) without allowing them to cause me to become complacent and at ease in my sin. I am not perfect, I am learning to be content in all circumstances, and striving to be like the one who is!