Monday, September 7, 2009

A case in point...

If you haven't read my previous post regarding "Faith" you better go do that before reading this.

This afternoon my darling daughter brings to me a one armed rabbit, that I've had for about 15 years now. It is faceless, in that it has no eyes or mouth. But I've always liked it that way. It was one of those craft store bunnies that you can dress up or down and use it for decoration. I don't know how she found it but she said to me, "Mom, I'm going to put a face on this bunny." I replied. "No Faith, that is my bunny and I like her that way." She then replied, "But Mom, she can't see!" I said, "I know Faith, it's okay that she can't. I say no Faith. Okay?" I should have known by her absentminded non-committal answer "Uh-huh." That she was going to do what she wanted anyway. This bunny needed to see.


  1. I have a lot of trouble with comment forms--aargh, drives me crazy. It's browser trouble.
    Yes, Faith has always been a wild child. Lucy was terrified of her when they were babies. What a personality!

  2. There were many babies that I remember being afraid of Faith and her, um "exuberant" personality! She doesn't frighten them anymore, but she is still just as excited. We love her just the way she is!


About Me

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Pastor's wife, Mom of 5, & Homemaker! Doing all to the Glory of God! That about sums it up!